What is 3D Secure Payment?

What is 3D Secure Payment?

3D Secure Payment is a security protocol developed to make online transactions with credit and debit cards more secure.

How It Works

  1. Shopping: The customer shops online and proceeds to the payment page.

  2. Card Information: The customer enters their card information (card number, expiration date, CVV code).

  3. 3D Secure Verification: Before completing the transaction, the customer is redirected to their bank's 3D Secure verification page.

    • Password Entry: The customer enters the one-time password (OTP) sent by the bank (via SMS, email, or bank app) or their static 3D Secure password.

  4. Identity Verification: The bank verifies the customer's identity and approves the transaction.

  5. Transaction Completion: If the verification is successful, the payment is completed and the customer receives their order.

The 3D Secure Payment system makes online transactions more secure for both consumers and merchants